June Bug and I are making small fused glass pieces out of the tiny bits of glass left over from my own projects. They will be great little treasures once fired and will be perfect as unique math counters. The craft shop at our local university offers fusable glass for sale, facilities to work in, and a kiln to fire the finished products. They offer a wide variety of other materials and project kits, but this is what we are working on there for now.

assembling the pieces, next they will be kiln-fired
June Bug found what I assume to be a gumball dispenser at a yard sale and he just HAD to have it. It's actually pretty cool, but the jewels we have in it (the kind you'd buy at a discount store for fishbowls and other decorative purposes) are just a tad too big and sometimes get stuck. Hence the glass project!

Wishing You Unique Learning Materials,
Mama Randa the Fan of Fused Glass
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