Join Mama Randa, Ari "June Bug", and Asa "Two Fox" as we share this journey of life together, learning all along the way
June Bug climbing a tree without shoes OR prying eyes! (except to come out and take the picture of course)
The photos are from my friend's phone so bear with the blurriness! There's the fire truck spraying the hose and Little Sprout in the white hat
It's good simple fun. A fire truck comes and sprays water from it's hose into the air over a park's field. The water rains steadily down, pounding you in a slightly stinging sort of way. The water then pools up in many splash-happy puddles, some as deep as calf-level. So simple, yet so very, very fun. I was not ashamed to be one of only two parents to play right along with the kids (the other was my friend we came with)!
assembling the pieces, next they will be kiln-fired
Wishing You Unique Learning Materials,
Mama Randa the Fan of Fused Glass
. . . and he's down!
Truly playing together happily despite a 6 year age gap, building strong loving bonds between brothers, practicing acceptance of each others different personalities, THIS is what homeschool is all about!
Wishing You Sibling Bliss,
Mama Randa the Only Female in the House
(human female anyway)
1. First I cut and sanded plywood triangles
2. Piece by piece, I attached each part with a strip of fabric on the inside. I worked from the bottom row up, waiting for each connection to dry before adding another.
3. Once all the pieces were attached together, I reinforced each spot where 6 points met with a circle of fabric.
4. After all the fabric reinforcements were dry, I used white puff paint like grout in each gap between triangles. This was quite the process: I had to add at least 3 layers of puff paint "grout" to each trench. Every time I walked past, I would add a little more.
5. I added the white paint around the doorway, and it's done! Hooray! It's not quite what I had envisioned, but that's the beauty of art, right?
I plan to create a scene with a handmade 'guy' and plants and scenery and then take a photo of it to sell as art prints.
Wishing You Completed Projects,
Mama Randa the Once Again Woodworker
Now this is REAL learning-- natural learning.
Wishing you exciting excursions,
Mama Randa the Rock Climber