Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm Back!

I have returned from the land of broken computers! My computer was down for an entire month, and I am happy to fianlly get back. I listed my first new items on my shop-- the first new ones since May.

Kittens are one of the most joyful wonders of the world! Here is our bunch-- nearly 5 weeks old now-- they were born just as my computer crashed. a basket of sweetness, ready for their first foray into the yard

From left to right; Chauncy, Mauna Loa, Sauleio, and Oakland (bearly seen at far right). In the back is Dudo petting the mother, Nuk-Nuk, who is very worried about her babies being outside.

Cauncy, the biggest, and the one that we want to keep. He has beautiful blue eyes, thick long gray fur, and at birth was twice as big as the smallest kitten. He is going to be a big beautiful cat!

Sauleio (pronounced saw-LAY-oh), our other favorite. She's a sweet tiny little girl with creamy blonde fur and the same blue eyes that they all have.

Dudo cuddling Oakland.

Wishing You the Joys of Watching Babies,
Mama Randa the Cat Lover


RunninL8 said...

So flippin cute! Nothin' like a basket-o-kittens. Bummer about your computer! Glad your back up in cyberspace! Hope your summer is going well, too!

voice1 said...

awww. . . how cute, little ari's getting tall too!

TheSingingBird said...

Oh I'm lovin' those kitties! Hi Miranda :)

Cary said...

oh my goodness... the cutest things i've seen in a while!