red cabbage-- didn't work
grape juice concentrate-- bluish
cranberry/pomegranate concentrate-- didn't work
turmeric-- beautiful deep yellow
blueberries-- purplish
so we only got three colors, but it was really great seeing that we really could dye eggs without the use of artificial colorants. Unfortunately we didn't get to take any pictures. . .
The eggs were hidden before I went to bed, and when we woke in the morning, we found piles of egg shells instead of eggs. Here is a picture of one such pile and the guilty party in the background.

Luckily, everything in the Easter Basket was inedible. All of the goodies are from wonderful Etsy artists. Thanks to TGreen Bean Boutique, Green Mountain Wee Woolies, and Amanda Moon for the great handmade goodies. Dudo loved it all-- the pink 'grapefruit baby' was (is) a particular favorite.

wishing you goodness in all your days, holidays and otherwise,
mama randa aka the easter bunny
Happy Spring to you!
Thanks so much for dropping by.
Oh dear. Is that poor puppy in the dog house? I guess he couldn't resist!
I went & saw your shop, it's great & I added you to my favourites...Xxx
Happy Easter Miranda, Ari! It looks like you guys had a fine time and that basket is absolutely beautiful.
Happy Easter - and thanks for the tips about the natural dyes - I'll know what to use next year when my little one is old enough for us to try this. I love your writing and hope you keep with it. Gypsy
love the basket!
That's about the "funnest" looking basket I've ever seen. :)
We had a dog that did that once too. We blew eggs and modge podged tissue paper around them, set them on our nature table, and came back to a big mess.
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