Here's our newest family member. Low maintenance, low investment (June Bug paid for it himself), and absolutely wonderful to a boy who is fascinated by ocean life.

Here's a superb ocean documentary series that we found at our library. We have watched half of them now and they are simply fantastic.

Here's one of our new favorite creatures-- the pikeblenny. They live in small holes or discarded worm tubes, but if they are near other blennys they swim around 'fighting' (which is nothing more than opening their mouths at each other) and stealing each others' homes.

Here's another favorite, the Sarcastic Fringehead (the one in the back). Yup, that's really it's name. they open their mouths to be HUGE. Biggest mouth wins a fight. The words "Sarcastic Fringehead" also makes a good insult if you ever need a clever one!

Wishing You the Desire to Follow your Children's Interests,
Mama the Randa Who Sometimes Feels Like a Zookeeper